November 28, 2011

Remembering to be thankful

My babes sure do keep me so many ways. But recently, Jackson has loved to share with me what he wants to thank God for-- and it has blessed my heart (and perhaps made me giggle a bit too...). What I love about his thankful heart is that he takes the time to think about what he is thankful for--and he is thankful for all things, big and small. Here is just a little video I captured of him the other morning giving thanks.


  1. This is PRECIOUS!!! Thank you God for coffee =). Loved that Savannah got a head shot in there too.

  2. AMEN Jackson! Little B and I watched it while eating lunch and now B wants Jackson to come play- "Jackson play?" I told him they would get on an airplane and come see us- but then I told him it was our TURN to go see them.....Boney craziness would take over your whole downstairs? I think so!
