November 7, 2011

Big Weekend, Big Changes, Big Kids!

We had a big weekend in the Farrell home…in many ways, we officially became big kids. The twins moved from their cribs into their twin beds- a moment I have been dreading and excited for all at the same time. I think I was dreading the unknown- two 2 year olds not held “captive” in their cribs??!! Eeek. Kind of worrisome to this momma. Just wasn’t sure what they would do with the freedom. But in the same vein, I was ready for them to get out of those baby cribs. They are big now and were ready.

The twins quickly put my fears to rest- they did great! Emma Kate has no idea that she can get out of her bed and stays tucked in until we come get her in the morning. Jackson on the other hand makes his evenings more of a….shall we say, “playdate” with his sister. No problem with me as long as they stay in their room! And the sweetest part?? We have found Jackson several times snuggled up in Emma Kate’s bed…precious.

Pretty excited!
And maybe not quite sure...
This is the perfect depiction of my children...EK sleeping peacefully, tucked in tight

And J-Man all over the place- so cute! (please note he is wearing one Croc)

More pics to come of the awesome room my sis designed for them :)


  1. Oh, man! What a big move! I love the pics of how the two of them sleep differently. Hope the next few nights go smoothly.

  2. Oh my goodness - HILARIOUS! Excellent depiction of the two personalities. :o) They look so big - can't wait to see them again.
