November 30, 2011

My New Viewpoint

Confession time...I have never had a monitor. Not a video monitor, not an audio monitor-- nothing. Does this make me a bad mom?? Perhaps...but I just figured I could hear them well enough one room away and I knew I probably would have been one of those moms that sat and watched their child's back rise and fall to make sure they were still breathing (and if you are one of those moms, more power to you!).
Anyways, all hell kind of broke loose when the twins moved into their big kid beds. The control I once had.....gone :( I mean, hello?? If you had a built in playmate in your room, would you stay in your bed?
Even after removing--well, pretty much everything from their room, I would somehow hear crashes and bangs followed by tears and never really know if it was because someone's feelings were hurt or if someone's eye had been poked out. Soooo....I broke down and got a video monitor. And by video monitor, I mean I got this iPhone-looking, touch-screen machine that can pan the entire room and I can talk into it. Y'ALL!!! This thing is crazy. And yes, it is a little creepy too. The twins look like they are deer caught in headlights when Jono and I speak into it and tell them to stop pushing or throwing books, etc.
BUT, it has worked wonders so far. They get bored much faster and eventually end up in their respective beds asleep- HOORAY! All of you mommies that told me to get a monitor....I should have listened sooner!

Here is a cute shot of them in Emma Kate's bed-Jackson was "reading" her a story after I told them to get into bed :)

November 28, 2011

Remembering to be thankful

My babes sure do keep me so many ways. But recently, Jackson has loved to share with me what he wants to thank God for-- and it has blessed my heart (and perhaps made me giggle a bit too...). What I love about his thankful heart is that he takes the time to think about what he is thankful for--and he is thankful for all things, big and small. Here is just a little video I captured of him the other morning giving thanks.

November 16, 2011


Ok...have y'all heard of Cozi?? I am sure I am just one of those gals that is behind but y'all-- this site is amazing! I am kind of an organization nut in that I am always looking for the best out there and I'm thinking this might be it.
Here's the thing--it's ALL in one place. Your calendar (including color coding for all different family members), your to-do lists, your shopping lists (specific to wholesale, grocery, pharmacy, etc), a meal planner, and a place to keep your recipes-- including links to the internet site where you found the recipe. I think I have just scratched the surface of what this wonderful little website can do but I have saved the best part for last. It links up with your blackberry, iPhone, or other smart phone device. So when you are out and about, you not only have every family member's calendar, but you also have quick access to all of your to-do lists and shopping lists-- linked to ONE place.
Ahhhh, I heart organization....

November 14, 2011


We've been pretty busy recently...hanging out and enjoying these last few warm fall days
We celebrated my Dad's birthday
Have you heard of "Big Red'? Only sold in the deep south and my dad's favorite drink. Kind of tastes like cough syrup...
My sweet grandmother came for a visit!
Reading a book to Grammy

November 7, 2011

Big Weekend, Big Changes, Big Kids!

We had a big weekend in the Farrell home…in many ways, we officially became big kids. The twins moved from their cribs into their twin beds- a moment I have been dreading and excited for all at the same time. I think I was dreading the unknown- two 2 year olds not held “captive” in their cribs??!! Eeek. Kind of worrisome to this momma. Just wasn’t sure what they would do with the freedom. But in the same vein, I was ready for them to get out of those baby cribs. They are big now and were ready.

The twins quickly put my fears to rest- they did great! Emma Kate has no idea that she can get out of her bed and stays tucked in until we come get her in the morning. Jackson on the other hand makes his evenings more of a….shall we say, “playdate” with his sister. No problem with me as long as they stay in their room! And the sweetest part?? We have found Jackson several times snuggled up in Emma Kate’s bed…precious.

Pretty excited!
And maybe not quite sure...
This is the perfect depiction of my children...EK sleeping peacefully, tucked in tight

And J-Man all over the place- so cute! (please note he is wearing one Croc)

More pics to come of the awesome room my sis designed for them :)

November 4, 2011


We're still diggin' our Halloween costume around here...
Happy Weekend Y'all!

November 1, 2011

Back to Reality

So just a quick recap on life with the Farrells. Yesterday I was here…

Mmm hmm…that would be Puerto Rico. My sweet hubby surprised me with a little get away. Today, I am back to reality. Which means I spent the morning here…

Getting two kiddos swiped for strep. Hmmmm....back to reality :)