September 6, 2010

Here comes Fall!

The weather was absolutely beautiful this weekend...a true glimpse of fall and we tried to enjoy every minute of it! We took lots of long walks to our favorite park and hopped on the swings- one of our most-loved activities. I snapped a few shots of my babes and had to share. Could there be anything better than a breezy afternoon, sunshine, and two sweet babies?


  1. love that last one of little jackson boy! and no, there's nothing better! :)

  2. They definitely look like they enjoy the swing and the fall weather! I love those huge baby grins...nothing is more joyful looking than that!

  3. Wow!! They look like they are having so much fun!! Give them a squeeze from Aunt Katie!

  4. cute! Did you know in those swings that your kids can ride back to back :) Sometimes that works better when they are so small and there is so much room to move around in the swing.

  5. Nothing is better than laughing babies! :)
