November 12, 2010

Mind Your Manners

As the twins have become more and more verbal, we have tried to take them from grunting at us to actually saying "please" and "thank you" when they want something or get something. It started out as much more of just a noise (like thank you was "hmm hmm") but recently, Jackson's thank you has just gotten so darn cute that I had to share.

Hope you're remembering to mind your manners too :)

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. "Thank you!" for sharing...that video is too darn cute!

  2. SO CUTE! How can you not smile the entire time! So sweet!

  3. oh that is so cute! I love those first sweet words. Charlie used to say "ta-do!" It's a little sad when they start talking correctly!

  4. how does he say thank you without moving his lips??? too funny!

  5. awww.precious! You will want them to talk so bad....and they don't stop! ;0)
