June 29, 2010

Sniffing out a good deal

As many of you know, I love to find a good deal. Before I had the twins, I often spent Saturday mornings going to estate/yard sales hunting for treasures. I've been a little busy recently (just a little...) so I haven't had as much time to indulge in this little obsession of sniffing out a good deal. This past Saturday, there was a huge neighborhood yard sale just around the corner from my house so I snuck out early before the babies woke up to see what I could find. I was so excited because at my first stop, I found this handmade sandbox that I'm sure my kids will love for years to come! Can't wait to fill it with sand and let my babes enjoy.


  1. YAY for a great find!!! Love that!

  2. Sandboxes were always a special play place for the Farrell children. Their dad always made amazing ones for them - similar to this one that you bought. I'm sure that Jackson and Emma Kate will have endless hours of fun in their new sandbox. What a great find!

  3. oooh, that looks fun! what a great find! garage sales and thrift stores are a few things I really miss about living in the states!
