January 23, 2010

The sweetest sound...

Well, I am quickly realizing that I have very little time in each day- does anyone else feel like there are just never enough hours in the day to get everything done? By the time the laundry is through, I go for a run, I clean all the bottles, and fix dinner, there is little to no time for blogging, facebook or email. Sure gives me appreciation for people like my sister who has four active kiddos and my friend Leslie who has four young boys...whew, I'm not sure how they do it!
As much as I hate that my time is so limited, I am loving every minute of being with my twins. They are much more awake now and just recently, started laughing...truly the sweetest sound! I never thought I would get such a kick out of hearing it over and over again but it is like music to my ears. Of course being the proud momma that I am, I had to post a video. Here is Jackson and Emma Kate cracking up at their daddy:

Jackson with big belly laughs :)

Sweet Emma Kate


  1. SOOO sweet. I could eat them up. I miss them so much!!!!!

  2. loooooove them! they are adorable! (so are ya'll - it's fun to hear your voices in that video too =)

  3. So sweet!! Seeing video of them is almost like seeing them!! LOVE IT!
    Also funny that bathroom humor is already funny to them! It starts early! :)

  4. That is the cutest thing ever!!!!! I love their little laughs - adorable, I bet you are just loving it!

  5. Are they precious or what?! Those baby smiles and laughs are just the sweetest sounds in the world. It gives me baby fever just to hear it. :)
    And to answer your question; Jack goes to Covenant Christian School. It's at the corner of Atlanta Rd and Collier Dr in Smyrna, if you're familiar w/ the Smyrna area.
